Saturday, June 6, 2009

In my mind

I trick myself into thinking that if i make a list of everything i need to do, i'll be more motivated (by the joy of crossing things off) to actually do them.


But here it goes:

-study for govt test (i need an A..c'mon it's community college)
-FINISH vlogs (editing is horribly slow and i feel like a bum for not sending anything into Michelle!)
-get some solid (rough draft) pubs done for ASA. (I still don't have a calendar, so idk what i'm even doing and in what order!!!)
-study for history quiz (easy peezy)
-finish the night by studying for the govt test (it has to be the last thing in my mind)

I had a dream about the Obamas. Again. This is getting very obsessive. Or prophetic. I prefer prophetic. It wasn't like the last 3 dreams (which were all EXACTLY the same....) In this one, i was with THEM in the White House, not the other way round. And apart from that, i actually don't remember much.


In other news, i just looked at the calendar: i've only been home for 3 weeks. I HAVE ALMOST 3 MONTHS LEFT. what is this life? I thought going to summer school would speed things up (again with the mind tricks) but it's nottttt! Maybe (GOD WILLING) if i get a J-O-B time will speed up. But then i'll be tired. But then i'll be bankin'. So it balances out?

Yeah, i haven't even put a dent in June........sad.

I haven't quite met my reading goals. I haven't finished Dreams From My Father yet, but reading it outside yesterday was really relaxing. It's actually a good read. Next on my list: i have no idea. We'll just have to wait and see.

*sigh* that's how i'm feeling about life in general. No guarantees, so i don't make any promises.

We'll just all have to wait and see........

1 comment:

  1. what you have to do is schedule it out. put it on your phone's calendar with a reminder. like tomorrow 10:00a, edit vlog, 12:00n, study gov, 2:00p study hist, 9:00p study gov. Actually put the reminders at like 9:50, 11:50, 1:50, 8:50. if you don't time will keep on slipping into the future.
